Accura360 - Overview webinar (May 2024)
Tue, 14 May
|Webinar (online)
You're interested in MIS and Web2Print but don't have time for a full demo, (you just need a taster)? Your current MIS is dead-end and not being developed?... Join us for a group webinar with like-minded print professionals and see what Accura360 could be doing to automate your print business.

Time & Location
14 May 2024, 15:00 – 15:50 BST
Webinar (online)
About the event
Many printers have a need for CRM, MIS, and Web2Print, but can't commit for a formal "one-to-one demonstration" in their hectic day... Now you can simply sign-up to one of our 45-minute group webinars with other like-minded print profesisonals, sit back watch, listen to others questions and ask your own, no commitment...
All from the comfort of your office chair.
Pehaps this is your situation
- You've seen us at trade-shows, or in marketing but never has a proper look
- You have an MIS already that is dead-end, not being developed (it's a DRAG on your business)
- You don't have time to schedule a full 1-2 hour demo (you just want a "taster" and go from there)
- You have a Web2Print solution that doesn't integrate properly (you want to see if "what's out there" is any different)
- You know you need Web2Print, but don't know how to get started
- You're not really sure the investment in MIS is worth it (you need to see the benefits)
Who should attend?
- Senior management and/or MIS managers/influencers
What will you learn?
- How MIS can automate your business to REDUCE costs
- How an online portal can become your greatest differnetiaor, and lock in clients
- How important an end-to-end, fully integrated solution really is.
The format
- Informal demo of the Accura MIS including:- estimating, job-tickets, proofing workflow, dispatch and invoicing... and we touch on the automation from fully-integrated Web2Print
- Q&A sessions (time permitting)
- Discussion of optional modules (time permitting)
- Any further steps and your personal circumstances wil be discussed off-line.
Sign-up today for our FREE webinar, drop-in and join us.
For more about Accura360 click here.